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» Станок для гидроабразивной резки » 3 Осевой станок для гидроабразивной резки

3 Осевой станок для гидроабразивной резки

It has strong cutting capacity, stable performance, can work continuously for a long time, and is suitable for mass production.

Сфера применения: The main cutting fields include glass, slate, ceramics, marble, composite materials, granite, aluminum, медь, steel, и так далее.

  • Описание

3 Осевой станок для гидроабразивной резки

  • Функция: For cutting, the main cutting fields include glass, slate, ceramics, marble, composite materials, granite, aluminum, медь, steel, и так далее.

  • Особенности и преимущества:
    1. Table top with roller design for easy movement during operation and observation of cutting conditions;
    2. Oil soaking structure, with the guide screw completely submerged in the oiltank. Fully lubricated, it can prevent damage to the transmission system caused by sand and water splashing. With ultra-high cutting accuracy, it also greatly improves the service life of the equipment. Solved the serious accuracy attenuation problem of water jet cutting machine in the past. Ensure transmission accuracy, durability, and high quality;
    3. Direct drive system: The high-power servo motor is directly connected with a large-diameter screw guide rail, which has lower transmission loss, higher accuracy, and better stability compared to traditional synchronous pulley belt connection.
    4. Stainless steel double seal. The XYZ axis adopts a dual sealing design with an external high-quality stainless steel shell and a built-in high-quality dustproof folding cloth design, which can provide effective hard protection and full sealing for the equipment. It is currently the most effective sealing form for water cutting;
    5. Intelligent variable pressure boosting system. The intelligent variable high-pressure system is equipped with a variable oil pump and four additional inlet valves. The oil volume is adjusted intelligently according to the pressure requirement, and the cutting ability is efficient. Oil temperature control is better and more energy-saving;
    6. Intelligent recognition / One click processing. Actively identify CAD electronic drawings, intelligently and automatically generate tool diameter adjustment parameters, reduce manual coding and repeated operations, simple operation, and increase production capacity.


  • Спецификации & Параметры
Модель Working table size Max.cutting range Processing speed Processing thickness
GDWJ-3015 3000×1500mm 3000×1500mm 0.02 ~ 3 m / min(depends on the material) Stainless steel: 40миллиметр

Plastic and Foam: 200миллиметр

Aluminum: 80миллиметр

Glass: 80миллиметр

Ceramic: 40миллиметр

Titanium: 40миллиметр

GDWJ-3020 3000×2000mm 3000×2000mm 0.02 ~ 3 m / min(depends on the material)
GDWJ-4020 4000×2000mm 4000×2000mm 0.02 ~ 3 m / min(depends on the material)

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    Гравировальный и сверлильный станок-V3

    Гравировальный и сверлильный станок-V2

    Машина для удаления покрытий-V1

    Лазерный сверлильный станок (Пикосекунда)

    Станок для лазерной резки (Пикосекунда)


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